Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Mad World of Cell Phones

The Mad World of Cell Phone Culture
Photo Credit to Julian West via YouTube

The video we watched for week 6 of Media Law & Literacy was the song Mad World, originally sang by Tears for Fears but remixed here by Gary Jules. The video is Moby & the Void Pacific Choir's 'Are You Lost in the World Like Me.' This video depicts a child lost in a world where all of the adults are glued to their cell phones. This is incredibly indicative of how many view today's society, as cell phone culture has taken over. 

The visual portion of this video is truly powerful and dramatic. It shows a helpless child in need of adult supervision, care, and love, but as he wanders aimlessly he only discovers people doing everything from taking selfies to getting plastic surgery. This shows just how self-centered American society has become, people only care about bettering their lives rather than caring for others. An overarching theme in this video is that everyone the young child stumbles upon has their face in their cell phone, completely oblivious to the outside world they walk through pointlessly. 

This video is perfectly matched with the famous song Mad World, as today's society has indeed gone mad and been irreparably harmed due to the wave of the cell phones and social media obsessions. 

The last scene of this video is especially significant, it all of a sudden becomes a colored video as the sun sets in the background of a field where many people are walking in the same direction. This field ends with a cliff, which everyone walks off of due to not realizing the severity of the situation. This is symbolic for how cell phone culture is killing society, people do not have the necessary social skills to exist in a community anymore, thanks to being obsessed with cell phones. 

Link to the YouTube video

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